
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Body Image Battle

I have never been one of those who had a naturally nice shaped body and felt comfortable wearing just anything. 

In fact, I have been quit the opposite. 

Since I was very young I have always maintained an active lifestyle playing competitive soccer.  No matter how many sprints, miles, squats, lunges, and plyometric exercises we would practice I still would have that little stomach pouch. 

I never was fat, but I also was never was all that skinny either.  I would constantly feel uncomfortable and unsatisfied with my body, and comparing it to other players.

As I got older these insecurities grew and when I went to college they hit an all time high.

A lot of people are active in sports throughout their entire life, but when they get to college they are no longer on a team and are reliant upon themselves to maintain daily exercise.  This was me…

I went from practicing every weekday and then having games on the weekend to nothing, nada, zip, gone.

On top of this I battle stress issues and have a tendency to cure my problems with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s (favorite is the red velvet cake flavor) and excessive amounts of coffee (which you probably know now from the last blog entry).  So thanks to horrible cafeteria food and lack of exercise I had put on a little weight and felt miserable.  I would hide myself with certain clothes, felt undeserving of certain types of clothes, and my self-confidence was nonexistent. I felt like anyone who looked at me was thinking how fat I was and that there was no way anyone could find me attractive.

Since then I have gotten a lot better about what foods I eat, I almost exercise everyday, but I am still learning to say no to sweets, battling with stress eating, building self-confidence, and controlling portions.

The point behind spilling my guts about my personal battles with body issues and eating is to let you know if you are going into college, are currently in college, just graduated, whatever, that you are not alone if you have experienced any of this.  Unfortunately, for a lot of people it is part of the college experience and life in general.

Just keep your head high and surround yourself with people that can help you create a positive atmosphere.  Try to incorporate an hour of exercise everyday and even try to find a fitness buddy.  If time permitted friends and I would go to cycling and zumba classes, or just work together in the weight room.  It would always help having someone to motivate you and compete with.  Also, it helps to study the menus prior to eating to know what is available. It will eliminate some temptation of grabbing those pasta dishes and visiting the dessert bar (my weakness was the ice-cream and red velvet cake). 

Just know no matter what you are beautiful, and no one or anything can change that.  I challenge everyone who reads this to try writing five things you like about you everyday for a month and watch yourself grow. 

If you need anything, need someone to talk to, whatever it is…always feel free to email me. 

-Mer A

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cup Of Joe

If you have been through college then you understand the lack of sleep involved...

I particularly remember having three exams, two projects, and a paper due all in the same week, thus requiring me to pull practically three all nighters in a row.  By the third day I was so exhausted and incapable of functioning I drank sixteen cups of exaggeration.  Obviously I realize how horrible of an idea that was considering it almost made sick.

By the end of the first semester of college I was practically addicted to coffee.  If you saw me on the way to class, in the library, in my room, hanging out with friends, and so forth then I probably had a mug of coffee in my hands.

I always end up running to coffee to regain some energy and function... ALWAYS. A lot of the time that was my sad.

I have always questioned the health benefits of coffee or if it could have any detrimental effects (not that I would stop drinking it).  There is constantly articles analyzing the effects of coffee, but sometimes (actually a lot) there is little concrete scientific evidence to support any claims.

You have probably heard that coffee can reduce risk of cardiovascular issues, relieves headaches, can raise blood pressure, can prevent neurotransmitters preforming their calming functions, and so forth.

It is the American tradition to drink a cup of joe in the morning to get that fresh jump start.  The key to coffee is consuming this drink in moderation.  Limit yourself to one or two cups in the morning, thus you are less likely to experience any severe side effects.

If you are like me, then you love sweet coffee treats.  My favorite being a coffee, caramel, and ice-cream twisted delight with whip cream on top.

Here are some healthy and low calorie alternatives to still achieve that sweet coffee taste:

  • unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • stevia
  • organic cocoa power
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • organic maple syrup
  • pumpkin puree/pumpkin spices
  • agave nectar
  • organic honey
  • brown sugar
Trust will feel a lot better about drinking something sweet knowing there is more nutritional value and consuming less calories, while still satisfying that sweet tooth.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Killing Those Sweet Cravings

As I am sipping my coffee I am reminiscing when I used to put multiple packs of sugar and flavored coffee creamer (my favorite being the eggnog flavor) into my cup of joe.  It is one of those moments where my sugar cravings are really kicking it and the positive healthy thoughts, “less calories and sugar”, are not suppressing them alone.

Sugar used to constantly manipulate my thoughts, like how I would avoid grabbing a milkshake at the creamery, to the point that it would distract me from my studies.

 It is human nature to have sweet cravings and it is very rare to meet someone who doesn’t have them.  Since I have transitioned into a healthier lifestyle it has eliminated a lot of sweets out of my diet.

So how do we fix these horrible and exhausting cravings?

1.     Try to remove the temptation from your kitchen.  Though the removal process will be painful you will find having no sweets to run to liberating.

2.     Maintain a balanced diet and eat small meals throughout the day.  Make sure you are getting all the essentials, like protein and complex carbs that keep your body satisfied and full.  When your body is starving you are more likely to grab foods that do not benefit us nutritionally, like Pop Tarts.

3.     Fruit.  These are nature’s natural desserts.   Some of today’s diets want you to eliminate them, but DO NOT.  Fruit does not make you gain weight, but actually has many nutritional benefits.  They are high in antioxidants, rich in fiber, provide you energy, and also contain water.  Does that sound bad? Not at all. Lets not forget the part where they taste absolutely AMAZING.  Try grabbing a banana and Greek yogurt to make your own healthy rendition of a banana sundae.  You also can find recipes where you can make your own ice cream with frozen fruits. YUM.

4.     Consume water throughout the day.  I try to drink at least half my body weight in ounces or more.   Many times you will find yourself having what you think is hunger pains, but it is your body signaling for water.  Also, adding fruit to your water adds a natural sweetness.

5.     Dark Chocolate.  I am a HUGE chocolate lover.  My family jokes and says it is part of our genetics... that is how much we love chocolate.  Try finding dark chocolate that has a high percentage of cocoa.  It is high in antioxidants, is heart healthy, and can increase blood flow to the brain.  I normally allow myself only one piece each time. 

My favorite brand currently is the endangered species.  They are dense in cocoa, come in a variety of different selections, and the company uses profits to raise support for various species of plants and animals around the world.  How awesome is that?

This is what the individually packaged pieces look like.  Since these are so big I try to split them into two different pieces, but unfortunately I am not always this good.  

It is ok to splurge every now and then too:)  It is important to enjoy life and all it has to offer just... keep in mind portions.

--Mer :)


Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin’ everywhere….

Did I really just reference that song?  Anyways…
I have wanted to work on my booty and have been hearing a lot about various squat challenges.  Being the pinterest addict that I am, I ran across one and started it today.

I actually did more than I was supposed to, but feeling that burn in my booty made me really excited and motivated.  Though I do not have exactly 30 days until I return to school (24) I really wanted to achieve the goal of having a much more solid and perky butt.  Short's season is going to be around awhile and I  really want to feel comfortable in them.  Therefore, I wanted to challenge everyone who reads this post to do it with me.  It really is not that bad and is actually fun (especially when you have crazy music to listen to).  

If you do this challenge with me...keep me posted on the progress:)  


Sunday, July 21, 2013

At Home Gym...Dorm/Apartment Style

Between exams, papers, and so forth...finding the time to fit in an effective workout is very limited.  Waking up early to fit in a workout has always sounded appealing, but climbing out of bed to get my booty to the gym is one of the hardest things to conquer. 

I am very blessed this year to be moving into an apartment building where we have accessibility to a gym (though equipment is somewhat limited), but sometimes I feel like it takes twenty cups of coffee for me just to lift myself out of bed…better yet go to the gym even if it is only five floors down.

So for the days where we feel our laziest here are a few workout items that would be great to bring to the dorm/apartment:

1.    Your own body
a.    You can use your own weight for strength training whether it is pushups, planks, squats, and so forth.
2.    Dumbbells
a.    I absolutely love my dumbbells!  You might be able to even call it a slight obsession.  I have 5, 8, and 10 pound dumbbells and my favorite part is they are all different colors! It is a great and inexpensive way of creating a mini at home gym that doesn’t take up too much space.  I normally keep mine stacked up in my room in the corner. The best part is it adds some variety to workouts too.
3.   Jump Rope
a.    Though I can’t do this in my room (maybe somewhere in the apartment) they are a relatively cheap item that helps incorporate cardio into the workout. 
4.    Stability Ball
a.    Another thing I absolutely love!  Though space could be an issue it is possible there is room under you desk or in some shelf…maybe.  I actually will not be able to take one.
5.   Resistance Bands
a.    They come in a variety of resistance levels (and colors haha) and can target many muscle groups.
6.    Kettlebells
a.    Great for building strength and getting the heart rate going.  Once again they are easy to store!  I love doing squats with these, because they really burn the booty!  

Let me know if you have any recommended at home gym items and ways to stay fit:)
